Sports -
The best resource for sports classes for little ones is Parks and Recreation in your community. They offer baseball, soccer and basketball for children starting at age 3. This is a great way to encourage coordination and teamwork.
Swim -
Swim classes are a favorite for children. There are many locations for classes from YMCA to Fremont Swim School in Fremont and Livermore to Happy Fish in Fremont and Silliman Center in Newark to Splash Swim School in San Ramon.
Music -
Music Together is well known for its variety in curriculum of music, instruments and dance. There are classes througout the Bay Area and your youngest child can join (ages are birth through 5 years). The cost includes a songbook, CD and tape of the music covered in the class for that period. http://www.musictogether.com/
Gymboree has a variety of classes for young ones. They have music classes for children as young as 6 months through 5 years. There are locations throughout the Bay Area and the teachers seem to always be enthusiastic and enjoy children. Lots of bright colors, variety of instruments and learning rhythm through dance. http://www.gymboreeclasses.com/
Art -
Art classes are a natural for children. They love it! There are a few art classes throughout the Bay Area - Parks and Recreation and Museum for Children's Art are favorites. However, you can also go for single art fun to Color Me Mine. There are locations in Walnut Creek, Alameda, Daly City, Fremont and San Jose. More information available on http://www.colormemine.com/.
Gym -
Little Gym provides a large studio for lots of tumbling, building of muscles, coordination and self-esteem. They are located in several locations in the Bay Area and have classes for 12 week periods and a variety of ages.
Gymboree has classes for play and tumble using soft child-friendly climbing structures from 6 months to 5 years. Songs and bubbles are incorporated to really give the children an integrated sensory experience. Lots of fun!
For older kids, there are regular gymnastics classes such as Top Flight in Fremont. They give toddlers the exposure to the balance beam, floor stretching, rings, trampoline and bars. Lots of variety, fun music and even camps offered during spring break and winter break. http://www.topflightfremont.com/
Nature -
The Bay Area is rich in parks from Tilden in Berkeley to Rancho San Antonio in Cupertino to Sunol Park in Sunol and everything in-between. These areas provide rich envirments for children to explore, see animals, birds and learn the joy of hiking. For a little older kids, the best place for nature classes is the Jr. Naturalist Program at Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center. There is a registration fee. 4901 Breakwater Ave., Hayward, 510-881-6700. For infants and toddlers, the place to learn is Sulfer Creek Nature Center whose web site is: http://www.hard.dst.ca.us/sc_programs.html. They have a new focus every month and the fee is $7-8 which includes an art project. From age 1 and older.
Dance -
The Little Gym has started offering dance classes so they can be contacted for more information.
In Newark, The Dancemakers Studio has classes for 2 year olds and up. They offer everything from ballet/tap to hip hop. 5688 Thornton Avenue, Newark, Phone: 510-790-0133.
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