GE (or genetically engineered) foods, also called GMOs, are addressed on the green mom finds web site -
http://greenmomfinds.com/. There hasn't been much written or reported on GE food, but it is really a huge industry. The top four items that are genetically engineered: corn, soy, canola and cotton. There are a few good DVDs and books on this subject. I have seen a powerful DVD called The Future of Food which was fascinating and scary all at once. The EU doesn't allow any GE foods nor does Japan. They are watching the US to see what the outcome of this GE will produce in a decade or more down the road....not such a good feeling to be the guinnea pig of the franken-foods! So, beware! And, more pesticides are used for GE foods. There is a good snapshot guide to GE foods on the green mom finds site which reminds you that organic foods are never GE foods so that once again, organics are the way to go if you want to stay away from GE foods. These days, we are all more educated and aware of the food we eat and the eco friendly way to grow and eat that food. Information is key. Keep researching and reading. That is the only way you can make the best decisions for yoru family.
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