Low-cost Retailers:
Target - This is my favorite retailer for kids' clothes. If they grow out of them quickly, get ruined or in some cases, just don't seem to fit well, then you won't feel guilty for spending too much money. And, the clothes are often cute and colorful!
Sears - They all used to have Lands End clothes, which I love. But, I think only a limited number of Sears stores carry this label now. They have good sturdy shoes.
Kohls - My next favorite retailer for kids. They often have mid-week sales and lots of basics like tops and tights or shorts. Good selection of almost everything and also carries shoes.
Walmart - I have bought the basics here too like t-shirts, underwear, socks etc. I don't seem to find as much as I do at Target, but there are definitely bargains to be found here.
TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshalls are all good for finding a few things here and there. But, since their selection is all limited on what they get in as overstocks, don't count on them for basics. I have found high quality shoes there though.
Since we don't have any local consignment stores, I don't often shop at consignment stores. But, I love the idea of recycling, especially when they are younger and there is little wear and tear. Please see a list below of some of the current consignment stores. And, most likely this is a market that will grow this year, so keep your eyes out for others...
A Wee Change - http://www.aweechange.com/ - in Walnut Creek
Grove Stree Kids - http://www.grovestreetkids.com/ - in Berkeley
Small Fry Shop - http://www.smallfryshoppe.com/ - in Danville
Chloe's Closet - http://www.chloescloset.com/ - in SF
Snickerdoodles - http://www.eastbaysocial.com/ - in Danville
The Kidz Shoppe - http://www.thekidzshoppe.net/ - in San Jose
Online Bargains:
Craigslist and ebay can give you some great deals on even new kids clothes.
But, don't overlook http://www.overstock.com/ as well. They have lots of stuff and it is easy to search their site.
Other good options are http://www.hannaanderson.com/ and http://www.landsend.com/ when they have sales. I get high quality clothes through these sites when they have specials and buy for the next year, if the sale is seasonal.