Most of us are quite conscious of green products and those that may have health concerns. And, we are very aware about BPA or Bisphenol A these days - the additive used in many plastic products to make them shatterproof - and the health concerns related to it. But there is a new study that not only shows it gets stored in the body, but stays stored for longer than first believed. The researchers now say that we are either getting BPA from many more sources than anticipated and/or our body is storing the BPA and therefore, cannot get rid of it as quickly as first thought. We now have alternative products available for us without BPA as well as some affirmation from the FDA on the potential dangers of BPA which are both huge steps. It is still amazing to me that the FDA errs on the side of conservatism when it comes to their reputation but not when it comes to the safety of our population and especially small babies. But, it has taught me not to assume the FDA knows all, but that I need to read and research on my own for the health of my family. For a great site on BPA free products, see the earlier post: Concern of BPAs.
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