It is always important to know where are food is coming from and how it is processed. Food labels are more helpful these days as they include calories, ingredients and whether the food is organic or not. However, one area that is not being labeled is genetically modified ingredients. There are several products that are genetically modified (GM or GMO) such as corn, soy and now sugar beets. The manufacturers, specifically Monsanto, of the GM seeds are lobbying hard to prevent any labeling for consumers. This has been an ongoing issue for several years.
With Halloween around the corner, it was brought to my attention that there are two candy companies, M&M/Mars and Herseys who are ignoring a September 2009 ruling by a Federal Court that GM sugar beets should never have been approved for introduction into the food supply without better environmental impact studies. So, be aware that most if not all of the Halloween candies from these companies have GM sugar beets as an ingredient.
Be educated and be healthy.
Happy Halloween!
For more information:
Reuters news organization's article covering September ruling against GM sugar beets and Monsanto
SF Gate's November 2008 coverage of the upcoming 2009 GM sugar beets ruling
Seeds of Deception newsletter by leading expert on GM foods, Jeffrey M. Smith covering GM sugar beets in January 2008
Center for Environmental Health and Care2's coverage and petition against GMO sugar beets
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