Saturday - May 9th:
Exploring the Antioch Dunes from 10-11. Take a 1.5 hour guided walk through the refuge. Free but wear sturdy shoes. www.fws.gov/refuges
Geology Rocks - Richardson Bay Audubon Center and Sanctuary in Tiburon from 10-12 noon. Explore sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock formations. Registration required. Ages 5-8 for $15. http://richardsonbay.audubon.org/ or call 415-388-2524 for more info.
Mad Hatter Tea Party at Kensington - RabbittEars, 377 Colusa Ave. from 1-4 pm. Tea party with white rabbits (up for adoption), music, magic tricks and cookies with jam. Free. More info: 510-525-6155.
Make Mom Brunch at the Mill Valley Golf Clubhouse at 267 Buena Vista from 11-1 pm. Learn to make frittata, pb and j muffins, fruit truffles etc and serve it up on a decorated table. Registration required. Agest 4 and up. $31. More info at: http://www.millvalleycenter.org/
Rowell Ranch Rodeo Parade - floats, bands and horses in Castro Valley for free. More info at: rowellranchrodeo.com
Heritage Fair in San Leandro Main Library with live entertainment, arts and crafts, international food and kids' activities - aclibrary.org or call 510-577-3971.
Mozart Matinee in El Cerrito Community Center at 11 am to introduce new youth-oriented concerts. $10 for adults; $5 for kids. More info at el-cerrito.org or 510-559-7000.
Playland Not At the Beach Museum is celebrating mom through a special tribute. 10-5pm . Free for all moms with kids buying a ticket for $10. playland-not-at-the-beach.org.
Sunday - May 10:
Koret Museum Days - free admission to 17 Bay Area museums. For more info, go to koretmuseumdays.org.
UC Botanical Garden - explore and discover how certain plants grow and pot your own plants to take home, 2:30 pm $20, $17 members for one adult and one child. 200 Centennial Drive, Berkeley. For more info: botanicalgarden.berkeley.edu.
Concord Waterworld Opens for the season - 11:30-5. Slip and slide with mom! Check it out at http://www.waterworldcalifornia.com/.
Mother's Day in the Marsh - at SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Alviso from 10-11:30. Explore the refuge with a slide show and a leisurely walk to learn of the animals and birds in the salt marsh. Free but registration is required. Fore more info: www.fws.gov/desfbay.
Oakland Zoo - free train rides for mom! Enjoy the animals and a fun train ride with mom. Check it out at http://www.oaklandzoo.org/.
Children's Music Concerts - Silly Sundays at Ashkenaz Music and Dance Community Center in Berkeley from 3-4pm. Today - Nigerian Brothers.
For more fun activities, check out the calendar sections in - http://www.parentspress.com/ or http://www.bayareaparent.com/ or http://www.tricityvoice.com/ or http://www.bayareamama.com/.
Happy Mother's Day, everyone!
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